Black Belt Boot Camp April 2013


Here are some of the pictures we were able to capture at black belt boot camp. Everyone worked really hard and had a good time!

We are very proud of our black belts and black belt recommended. Good Job guys! Keep up the hard work and NEVER stop setting goals for yourselves!


Black Belt Boot Camp and Testing

Black Belt boot camp will be held on October 6th starting at 8:00 at the Valdosta Academy.  Phase one will last from 8:00 am – 9:30 am.  Phase two will be held in Hahira at the Honey-Bee Festival.  Black Belts will be required to walk in the parade as a part of their boot camp.  We will be lining up in Hahira at 11:30 a.m.

Black Belt testing will be held on October 9th at the Valdosta academy.  Testing will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.  Make sure you register as soon as possible for testing. 


Class Extensions

Due to the recent growth at our Valdosta Academy, we will be expanding some of our classes for your conveneince.   Our Tae Kwon Do and Jiu Jitsu classes will have additional times.*

Our Hahira and Lake Park locations are also getting bigger and bigger every week.  Classes are increasing and the work being produced is astounding!!

As we are preparing for the Valdosta Regional Tournament on January 14th, it is important to attend as many classes as possible.  All students can attend as many classes per week as they wish coming into the tournament.  Mr. Church is very excited about all of the hard work that all three academies are doing.  And is looking forward to the tournament.

Tiny Tigers –

There is now a class on Thursday afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

Junior Leadership (4-8) –

 Wednesday night class is now from 6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.

Junior Leadership (9-12) and Adults –

Wednesday night class is now from 6:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Jiu Jitsu-

Wednesday night class now begins at 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.


*New schedules will be posted soon at the academy for you to pick up and take home for further reference.*


Sahn Knat ? Kama Weapon Clinic 10

Photo?s from the recent ATA Leadership Weapons clinic, covering the Sahn Knat or Kamas. The Kama will be the leadership students ATA weapons during the block training schedule of January ? March.? Students are from the Performance Martial Arts Academy(s) Valdosta, Lake Park, Hahira, and Moody Air Force Base locations.

For more information on this weapon clinic see this posting:


Sahn Knat ? Kama Weapon Clinic 30

ATA Weapons Kama Clinic 30Photo?s from the recent ATA Leadership Weapons clinic, covering the Sahn Knat or Kamas. The Kama will be the leadership students ATA weapons during the block training schedule of January ? March.? Students are from the Performance Martial Arts Academy(s) Valdosta, Lake Park, Hahira, and Moody Air Force Base locations.

For more information on this weapon clinic see this posting:


Sahn Knat ? Kama Weapon Clinic 40

Photo?s from the recent ATA Leadership Weapons clinic, covering the Sahn Knat or Kamas. The Kama will be the leadership students ATA weapons during the block training schedule of January ? March.? Students are from the Performance Martial Arts Academy(s) Valdosta, Lake Park, Hahira, and Moody Air Force Base locations.

For more information on this weapon clinic see this posting: