Mr. Beau Griffis Earns 3rd Degree Black Belt

Mr. Griffis tested for his Black Belt on October13th in Valdosta, GA.  Mr. Griffis did an excellent job at testing and we are all very proud of him.  Mr. Griffis has many years of experience and has put many hours in to Tae Kwon Do to perfect his skill.  Congratulations, Mr. Griffis.

Left to Right: Mr. Griffis and Mr. Church


Knife Defense at Black Belt Testing

This video below shows Mr. Webb demonstrating spontaneous knife defense with the Black Belts.  This was a part of their testing and had to learn how to defend themselves from an oncoming knife attack.

The partipants were: Jennifer Hardy, Simon Davis, Christopher Haworth, Marge Sprott, Beau Griffis, Dante Sacco, Gabriel Dungan, Wyatte Reid, and Kyle Turner.