Mrs. Jennifer Powell Earns 4th Degree Black Belt

Left to Right: Mr. Church and Mrs. Powell

Mr. Church is very excited to announce that Mrs. Powell has earned her 4th degree Black Belt.  This is a major honor to receive your 4th degree Black Belt from the American Tae Kwon Do Association, which is the largest martial art orginization in America.

Mrs. Powell tested for her 4th degree black belt on October 21st in Orlando, Florida.  Mrs. Powell has worked very hard with over 10 years of experience.  Her dedication to martial arts excellence has been an inspiration to all three academies.


Performance Shines During Fall Nationals

Team Performance Members from ATA Fall Nationals.  Front Row: R. Spaulding, T. Sibley, Middle Row: M. Matthews, J. Hardy, B. Johnson, Back Row: M. Webb, Mr. Church, G.Sibley, Absent from Picture: J. Powell, Mrs. Hodges, and C. Sprout

Team Performance Members from ATA Fall Nationals. Front Row: R. Spaulding, T. Sibley, Middle Row: M. Matthews, J. Hardy, B. Johnson, Back Row: M. Webb, Mr. Church, G.Sibley, Absent from Picture: J. Powell, Mrs. Hodges, and C. Sprout

The ATA Fall Nationals were held on October 21st through the 24th at the Wide World of Sports Arenas, Disney World, Florida. Ten members of the Performance Martial Arts Academy (nicknamed Team Performance) competed during the Fall Nationals, guided by Mr. Mitchell Church the schools owner and head instructor.

Mark Webb, 4th degree black belt, took 3rd place in Songahm Weapons.
Jennifer Powell, 3rd degree black belt, took 1st place in Songahm Forms, 1st place in Songahm Weapons and 2nd place in Sparring.
Mrs. Hodges, 2nd degree black belt, took 1st place 1st place in Songahm Forms, 1st place in Songahm Weapons, and 1st place in Sparring.
Jennifer Hardy, 2nd degree black belt, placed fourth in Songahm Forms.
Brittany Johnson, 2nd degree black belt, took 3rd place in Songahm Weapons.
Mizzani Matthews, 2nd degree black belt, took 1st in Sparring.
Ryan Spaulding, 1st degree black belt, had a strong showing, especially in sparring, at his 1st black belt competition!
Charlie Sprout, color belt, took 1st place in Songahm Forms, 2nd place in Songahm Weapons, and 1st place in sparring.
Tori Sibley, color belt, took 1st place in Songahm Forms, 1st place in Songahm Weapons, and 2nd place in Sparring.
Glen Sibley, color belt, took 2nd Place in XMA (Xtreme Martial Arts) Weapons, 2nd Place in Creative Weapons, 2nd Place in Songahm Forms, 1st Place in Songahm Weapons, and 3rd place in Sparring.