World Championships Is Almost Here!!!

The biggest tournament of the year is almost upon us. For some students, this is what they have been working for all year: the chance to compete for that red lettered uniform and the title of world champion!! For others, this is a chance to get a jumpstart on the new tournament year. Taking first place at the Sunday competition is a huge headstart in points for the coming year. To those who have already secured State or District Championships, a big CONGRATULATIONS!! To all those competing at Worlds, Good Luck!! Keep training hard and keep striving to do better every day! You guys all look awesome!!


Congratulations to our District Championship Competitors

After many hours of blood, sweat, and tears, a large group of students from our school got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to compete at the very first ATA Southeastern District Championships!! This was the first tournament of its kind with ATA. We are very proud of all the hardwork our students put in, especially those who worked so hard to compete at Districts. Mr. Church would like all competitors to know that he was very proud, as he always is, of how our students demonstrated black belt attitudes at Districts. Great job everyone! Congratulations to all our competitors!