Valdosta Tournament – Job Well Done

 In School Updates, Tournament

ATA Tournament - Valdosta - May 30 2009This past Saturday the Performance Martial Arts Academy? sponsored a Class “C” ATA Mini-Tournament, with competitors gathering from the Valdosta, Haira, and Moody AFB Schools.?? Competitions were held in Traditional Taekwondo Forms, Weapons, Sparring as well as XMA Forms and Weapons, it was an exciting day had by all competitors and fans alike.

Mr Church Surprise Birthday Cake at May Tournament

Mr Church Surprise Birthday Cake at May Tournament

5th Degree Black Belt Mitchell Church was not only the event sponsor and senior ranking official, but also the days birthday-boy, being surprised with an awesome cookie cake and a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” by his students.

As the admin of this site, I would like to congratulate all those that competed, and thank the judges as well as all the parents and individuals that assisted in helping with this successful Mini-Tournament.

Later today we will be posting photos and videos from the competition, as well as the results a little later on this week.? So stay tuned.

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