Leadership Clinic – Jahng Bong / Bo Staff
Well this past Saturday, July 11th, was the new sessions Leadership clinic, covering the use of the Jahng Bong or Bo Staff.?? School Instructor, Mitchell Church (5th degree black belt), turned the instuction over to his 3rd Degree Black Belts, World Champion Jennifer Powell, World Champion Tyler Giddens, State Champion Debra Cox, State Champion Don Cox, and Hahira Instuctor Mr. Smith.
Each instructor covered many different aspect of the Jahng Bong, Mrs. Cox went over the 9 basic strike areas and striking techniques.? While Mrs. Powell covered several blocks, and the importance of hand holding during blocks!?? Mr. Cox went over a few fancier moves like a palm spin and picking up your dropped Jahng Bong with your feet.? While Mr. Giddens went over the figure eight as well as a finger roll figure eight.